Creamy Italian Artichoke Soup

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I love artichokes. Love them stuffed, in dips, on pasta, pizza's, in salads. I sat there one day looking at them in that can and thought OK, got to do something different this time. It's cold, there's a great deal on them and started experimenting. I thought maybe a cream soup would be filling and these flavors would be close to what I love in the many other ways I like to prepare them. After giving this a try it was much easier than normal soups as I cheated using some premade cans, I know I know, shame on me~ but oh so delicious and quick. If you like artichokes give this one a try. I can't imagine you need anything else but some good crusty Garlicky Italian bread to dip this in, but if you like crackers and lots of salt, add away.

I love how all my favorite flavors are in one bowl~

4 cans artichoke hearts drained and put through the food processor till pureed
1 clove of minced garlic
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
1 can of cream of chicken soup
1 c. half & half
1 cup heavy cream
2 cups chicken broth
2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper
2 tablespoons romano and parmesan grating cheese
1 stalk of celery chopped fine or through processor
1/4 teaspoon cayenne, black pepper, salt, garlic powder and parsley
1/2 cup Chablis or preferred white wine
2 tablespoons of melted butter or olive oil combined with
1/4 cup Italian flavored bread crumbs mix together well, set aside for topping
1 package shredded mozzarella for garnishing

Drain artichoke hearts and rinse under hot water then puree in food processor add grating cheese. Combine soups,creams and chicken broth; stir over low heat until smooth. Add artichoke hearts, spices, wine . Heat thoroughly, garnish with buttered Italian flavored bread crumbs and mozzarella on top.