Whole Wheat Pizza Dough

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I decided to see how we would like Whole Wheat crusted Pizza.. Italian pizza dough, is in my blood but a healthy version is a great change of pace!  I have been pretty dedicated to eating just healthy grains lately, this will take a bit of getting use too after all these years of white flour but I really do like the fact that this really did turn out very crunchy and delicious as pizza should be with a nutty flavor instead.
3 cups lukewarm water should feel like warm to your wrist, not hot
1 1/2 tablespoons granulated fast acting yeast (2 packets)
1 1/2 tablespoons regular salt, kosher or sea salt
1 tablespoon sugar
6 1/2 cups sifted Whole Wheat Flour Extra flour for your hands while molding the dough

Make sure the water is luke warm to the touch, this is very important to the rising method.
Add yeast, salt and sugar to the water in a 5 quart bowl or a plastic container with a lid.
Mix in the flour there is no kneading necessary but I like to use the mixer since it's so much easier!  I put all ingredients in my Kitchen Aid mixer  for 10 to 20 seconds  then put the plastic wrap on the bowl and cover it. If your doing this by hand, using a large 5 quart bowl and spoon just mix till everything is uniformly combined well. The dough will be pretty stiff with using whole wheat but  that's normal.

Allow to rise. Cover with a lid or plastic wrap and add a lid ( it's ok if not airtight). Allow the mixture to rise at room temperature until it begins to collapse (or at least flattens on top), about two hours.

When it's ready shape into whatever you like,  try  stretching out some of the pizza on a pizza pan or see recipes below, let rise around a half hour before baking. If your like bread shape into a loaf pan and bake a loaf of bread, let it rise around a half hour then bake in a hot preheated oven of 420 degrees until browned. Cool at least 5 minutes before eating the bread on a wire rack. For pizza bake until browned and crisp edges on the same oven temperature. Use your favorite sauce and cheese or see links below for more suggestions.

I refrigerate the unused dough and it will keep up to a week in the refrigerator. Take out as needed until it rises slightly and bake.

Idea's that can be used for making this Whole Wheat Dough: ( click on each first word below highlighted for more suggestions.

Deep Dish Grilled Pizza