Being prepared is key. If you are in an area that has tropical storms, this post will give you some important tips to follow.
From the time we moved here in 1994 until the present time, we have been through several hurricanes and seen many tornadoes, and tropical storms, and experienced in preparing.
Irma pounded us for more than 15 hours on 9/12/2017. Frances for 36 hours in 2004.
We experienced 20 tornado activities in Brevard county. Lots of floods, mobile homes ripped to sheds. Fish thrown from the rivers and alligators walking across the street in downtown Melbourne.
Prepare by adding frozen plastic water bottles and containers, condensing food in our freezer to keep cold cuts, eggs, and cheeses safe during the almost always counted-on outages is a must.
Being prepared is key. If you are in an area that has tropical storms, this post will give you some important tips to follow.
Don't waste space in your freeze with bread, cookies and things like this can be refrozen add containers of ice, big blocks will take longer to thaw and keep things cold in a cooler.
Take anything that can spoil off the freezer door and place on the racks, the door will thaw out first and spoil.
Some outages have lasted more than 12 hours, others for days and weeks.
Prepare getting gas cans filled, make sure you have 1 gallon of water per person for clean water to drink, and most important listen to what weather station says to evacuate when they say to leave in your area.
Place your led candles, batteries with flashlights, important phone numbers all in one area and charge all phone battery packs just in case you have no electricity for a few days and are hunkering down at home.
We have a list of must-haves when the power is out for you and plenty of tips below to prepare for a storm.
He always shows up and chases the biggest badest storms out there, we all admire his dedication and appreciate his knowledge to keep us up to date on these storms.
Anyone reading this I pray to keep us all safe and out of harm's way.
Still beautiful the calm before the storm
These storms are not predictable and do not take them lightly.
Back in 2004, we got hit by Jeanne and Frances.
Both storms damaged our home and can be very costly, make sure you have your insurance phone numbers and FEMA numbers handy and written down.
The storm sounded like a freight train going through and pounding against the house for over 19 hours.
We lived out of boxes for 9 months and had nothing but a blue tarp on our house until we could find someone to put on the roof that wasn't busy!
We can fix our homes but can't get our lives back! Listen to the professional weather stations and take their advice seriously!
Prepare and Make A-List:
- As we were waiting in 2016 for Hurricane Matthew to hit on October 6th and 7th, we began preparing the shutters on the doors, getting everything necessary to stay inside for a few days to include non-refrigerated foods and lots of water. Fill the bathtub, and drain the pool several inches.
- Fill your washing machine with bags of ice if you're riding out the storm, this will keep all food/drinks cold for days and when it melts will go right down the drain!
- Unplug anything that could be a possible power surge like laptops, any extra tv, and other electronics that won't work in a power outage.
- We packed (just in case we have to leave in evacuation situations) and put all our valuables in plastic containers or ziplock bags including all the important paperwork needed after the storm.
- Don't forget any medications and place everything in zip lock bags to prevent humidity, remember your power can be out for days.
- Also, place things higher in the home wrapped in plastic that has the potential to have water damage.
Cook Things That Will Spoil Ahead of Time
This is a bit stressful, to say the least when it comes to loss of food and spoilage when an outage occurs.
Cook the expensive frozen items just in case to eat that first (unless you have a generator) your not going to want to lose high-valued food items in your freezer.
FREEZER Warning: anything that can leak should be in a double bagged in a grocery bag or put in a plastic container. If it melts due to a power outage you will have a huge mess, especially with ice cream!
Again don't worry about cookies, loaves of bread, or baked goods they can be refrozen if they thaw out!
Condense and Organize
If you have two refrigerators, put all the bread in one freezer, remember if it thaws, it can be refrozen.
Don't waste space in the freeze, fill it with every container you have with water to keep it frozen and cold while the power is out!
If you don't have to worry about two freezers, just make sure you have water frozen to keep the temperature cold on one shelf.
Just the beginning of a light storm
The storm strengthened and Melbourne Florida (which is Brevard County) became the target of this huge storm.
The news continued to say it would make landfall here we weren't waiting until the last minute, the roads will be bumper to bumper so make quick decisions, better to be safe than sorry and too late!
Now the valuables, packed suitcases ready to go and pets packed in pet carriers were all we took to evacuate.
House was secured. It's always a guessing game on where it lands but packing a category 4 or 5 strength, there was no way we wanted to take the chance and we weren't in a flood zone.
This time I wasn't staying for that stressful night and praying for the best outcome for everyone in our state.
Most hotels are totally booked wherever the storm is not going, and in our case, Orlando would have been the first point to lodge but had nothing available to book and that was 4 days in advance.
Remember in storms, hotels book quickly make arrangements early you always cancel if you plan to evacuate and it's also hard to find a place to accommodate pets.
We Learn a Little More Each Storm
When you have a storm to this magnification, you easily go into panic mode.
If it's your first time remember animals from the wild get displaced also, don't step in high-standing water without snake boots if your home is flooded, and yes we had pigmy rattlesnakes at our house after the storm.
Every time we have these storms I learn a little more about what we need more of. Batteries are never enough and flashlights.
Water is never enough because if you have a boil water alert you use it for even brushing your teeth. I had a case for each person.
The tub should be filled with sponge baths.
Cell phone portable chargers are charged ahead of time. Of course, you can sit in your car and charge the battery also.
Landline phones if you have service have to be corded
You will have no tv or internet in a power outage unless it's the satellite and stays stable. Buy a portable weather radio.
Get an extra tank of propane for your gas grill to cook on.
Power outages are very inconvenient for sure, get led candles to put in the bathrooms, closets, and other darker areas.
Fill those gas cans that have at least 3 - 5-gallon pails or more everyone runs out of gas at the pumps.
Buy cheap containers at the dollar store to fill any spaces in the freezer.
Fill water in large covered containers, most likely the water will be polluted after the storm, and using clean water to brush your teeth will be a must.
Real candles can be dangerous so use them with caution.
Save Those Water Bottles!
Cook as much food as you can ahead of time and buy ice to keep in a cooler you're going to lose it without a generator.
Don't throw out soda-plastic 2-liter bottles and milk containers. Fill with water and freeze them. They will keep the freezer cold much longer and since there will be boil water issued later, you can drink the water you froze.
Buy extra pet food. Kitty litter if you have a cat.
Bread, canned meats, canned beans, peanut butter, jelly, tuna, canned milk, juices, and snacks get them and place them all on a table, if you have no powder you need to know where everything is and have a plan. Get foods that do not need refrigeration.
Get disposable plates, cups, plastic forks, and spoons.
We have a gas grill with a side burner to make coffee on it in the morning. Buy an iron cast skillet and camping coffee pot.
Cast Iron Pans Old Fashioned Camping Equipment
I found that keeping cast iron and camping stove cooking pans and utensils on hand, are the best during these times to cook with.
If you are lucky enough to have a side burner on your for gas grill you can make just about anything from breakfast to dinner in them on it.
If you have a charcoal grill, it certainly will take longer but it can be done either way.
Fresh perked coffee on a side burner with the camping coffee pot comes out terrific.
Traffic Will Be Delayed
We got to our destination safely, just remember traffic will be delayed in an evacuation, so expect long delays.
Glad to report we had minimal damages, screens were ripped and the frame to the screen enclosure was the worst that happened and we were grateful.
It took 3 days to get power back on and we had a boil water order again you will need water saved if you're under a boil water alert in your area that can last for days.
The after-effects are hard to deal with and things you won't think about.
Cleanup in the roads, trees down and debris is everywhere, roadblocks, no traffic lights, diversions, boil water orders, just about everything and everyone is closed.
Remember it can take much longer to get power back. Preparing is key.
The beachside had massive damage and this storm continued North damaging one area after another. These storms should never be taken lightly.
Lucky This Time
Thankful they were wrong and it stayed offshore no one is ever certain what the outcomes will be.
Hope this helps someone out there whoever has to prepare for a storm and is new to Florida or other places where Hurricanes can happen.
Winds still caused some minimal damage, things happened unforeseen and debris from the neighbor's homes flew everywhere, nothing was damaged other than the screen enclosure and some of the wooden trellis.
Any questions I will be happy to answer. I have never left until this one. I will always leave the area when it's higher than category 2.
Grateful here in Melbourne Florida and very fortunate, good luck to all my readers.
One thing I personally would like to stress, local businesses with food that had outages can't possibly predict if everything didn't spoil. Make sure everything is fresh before going out to eat somewhere and you trust the owners.
We have had many unfortunate situations, especially in malls where food was not at the right temperature.
Just my own experiences.
Outside of your Home Before the Storm
Trim the trees ahead of time that will damage the house.
Also, remember things can be air-born, anything that can come through a window so make sure you put things away and leave nothing outside that can be air-born and dangerous.
If you have a pool drain it around 5 inches it will fill up with rain water (and that may not be enough).
Garage Door
One other thing about securing the home, your garage door is the most critical thing to secure.
One of the most important steps you can take in preparing for a windstorm is to make sure that your "building envelope" is sealed.
They have bracing kits! You must add a bracing kit to the garage!
That means tightly covering all windows and doors to prevent wind from entering.
If you can keep the wind outside, you and your possessions will be safer inside.
Garage doors are one of the most vulnerable areas to hurricane-force winds for two reasons, the relatively long span of opening that they cover and the weak materials they are built with. Many garage doors are constructed of lightweight materials to conserve weight and expense.
Reinforcing your garage door helps you protect not only your garage but also your home and contents as well.
Adding weight to a garage door in the form of reinforcement may require an adjustment to or replacement of the door’s counterbalance system.
If any air gets under it and it's not secured properly that can take down your roof, this is one area that often gets missed, it's a big door that needs to be totally secured from the air.
Do not tape windows, it won't help shattered glass, we learned that the hard way also.
The idea was that tape could help brace windows against the effects of winds, or at the very least prevent them from shattering into a million tiny pieces.
In reality, taping does nothing to strengthen windows.
You can also check the weather channel with some great videos on these tips on YouTube.
A List to Keep on Hand During A Hurricane or Tropical Storm
- Charge the mobile phone and buy a car charger for the phone in case the power is down.
- Check tire pressure, fill the gas tank, and top off all liquids.
- Back-up computer files and keep an external hard drive and/or flash drive in a Ziploc bag. Unplug everything except tv and refrigerator you need to keep it cold as long as possible.
- Freeze bottles of water and keep them in the freezer it will keep the food frozen longer than you still have drinking water later.
- Photograph or video all personal property that's expensive like jewelry if you can't take it with you. video every room, and closet, use a tablet or your cell phone.
- Take a video of even all your food in your freezer for proof insurance will need; download to a thumb drive. Keep one copy and send another to a lawyer or family member for safekeeping.
- Create a master list of accounts, contact names, and numbers for all credit/debit cards, bank and mortgage accounts, and insurance policies; also include contact information for lawyers, accountants, financial advisers, friends, and family. Download a copy to CD or flash drive to wear around your neck.
- Keep identification on you at all times, including a small, wallet-sized card listing emergency contact numbers and insurance information, and social security.
- Secure animals in a crate with their favorite toys and a long-lasting rawhide bone before, during, and after the hurricane and always keep them on a leash. Pets should wear collars with current identification and also be microchipped.
- Store a week’s supply of pet food, flea and tick, and heartworm medicine, as well as some prescription pills to relax your pets during the storm, in an air-tight container.
- Keep prescription medicines, spare eyeglasses, wallet, credit/debit, and ATM cards, checkbooks, passport, and copies of all insurance papers (homeowners, auto, and medical), as well as current HUD statements, car titles, medical records, pet licenses/vaccinations, and any other valuable papers, stored in a Ziploc bag. Scan copies of the above items to a thumb drive.
- Fill all bathtubs with water to use when flushing toilets.
- Note: You can use tap water until the storm hits.
- Bottled water is best for drinking if you run out of clean fresh water, be sure to purify with eight drops of bleach or water purification tablets.
- Again you will not remember everything you own
- Foods: canned meats, vegetables, bread, peanut butter, jelly, fruits, packaged no fuss foods cookies, toaster pastries etc.
- VIDEOTAPE YOUR Entire HOUSE whole house for insurance.
- I will keep reminding you. Insurance companies are not your friend!
Cooking on your Grill
There are so many options for outdoor cooking.
Once the hurricane subsides and you have no power, you will want to use up anything that is perishable.
I keep eggs and cooked bacon on hand for breakfast.
Bread can be grilled on a cast-iron skillet along with blueberry muffins, and donuts, and that will also freshen them up a bit.
Dinner was a bit tricky, cooked meat on ice like hotdogs and camping foods are the best to make outside to prevent any bacteria from consistent temperatures forming.
I usually tend to stay away from lots of meat unless they are stone-cold from the refrigerator.
If you have frozen chicken tenders, cube them up and add any vegetable to make a stir fry.
Side burners on a gas grill are great for boiling rice, making fresh perked coffee, and heating soups.
Also, I keep pizza dough, canned sauce on hand, and grated cheese to make a pizza in a greased cast-iron skillet.
There is a list of several foods that aren't perishably listed below to keep on hand, these foods are ones you need to cook immediately to stay safe from food poisoning.
Must-haves During a Hurricane:
- A gas grill with two or more extra tanks of fuel.
- Have plenty of cash on hand;$1's, $5s, $10s and $20s are best.
- In lieu of matches, purchase multi-purpose lighters.
- Stock up on canned foods, peanut butter, dried fruit, and granola bars. Canned Oranges, raisins, snack bars, crackers, and apples are dried or fresh. A hand can opener.
- A large cooler and plenty of freezer packs. Disposable, rinse-free toothbrushes, liquid hand sanitizer, and baby wipes are also good to have on hand.
- A watertight storage container with a snap-on lid, plenty of Ziploc bags, and disposable disinfecting, surface wipes.
- Freezers should be jam-packed with a container of frozen water with lids. To keep it cold if the power goes out and you can drink it later.
- Tubs full of water to flush toilets.
- Plywood or storm shutters up on all windows.
- Ziplock bags with all important papers, insurance, birth certificates, and anything important so they don't get wet.
- Old-fashioned coffee pot to use on a grill to make coffee.
- Get ready ahead of time and plan to leave if it's mandatory to take no chances.
- Take all valuable jewelry there will be looters.
- Fill empty jugs with water to drink most places are out to save milk, soda, and 2-liter bottles with it. Freeze it until ready to leave or place the refrigerator frozen to thaw and keep cold in an outage.
- Shut off the gas if you have to leave and have it and lower the water tank
- Propane tanks filled for a gas grill,
- Extra Gas cans filled extra you will get stuck in traffic sometimes for hours when trying to evacuate.
- Generator: if you can get one make sure it works in May not when a hurricane strikes in the season!
- Every food you can eat that is ready-made such as peanut butter, jam, bread, snacks, soda, tuna, dried meats, dried milk, coffee dry creamer, instant coffee, any drinks, etc.
- Bleach you will need this to disinfect if any sewer water gets into the home
- Batteries for everything flashlights, electronic candles
- Pack a suitcase with lots of clothes you won't know how long you may be gone or what you come back too
- Pills do not forget medications
- Pet carriers and don't forget them!
- Full tank of GAS days before they run out with gas cans full after the storm and stations are out
If you leave your home:
- Unplug everything, TV, and shut off the hot water tank ( we made the mistake of leaving it on and it got hit by lightning and flooded the whole house because it's inside the washroom) all small appliances can start fires so unplug EVERYTHING! Including hot tubs, or outdoor equipment!
- Bring extra phone chargers for the car. Get extended battery packs for your phones.
- Pack everything you can that's valuable, and cover things inside with plastic for roof damage.
- Buy things ahead of time as soon as you hear not later, things fly off the shelf and stores are packed!
- Shut any gas off to prevent leaks
- Finally to all good luck and God bless, leave a message if you have any tips for us.
Print this TIP SHEET OFF

Hurricane Tips and Preparation
This is a printable list during a Hurricane with how to prepare, and what to have on hand during the storm and after.
- Hurricane List:
- Rain gear (plastic ponchos)
- Electronic Candles (Real Candles are very dangerous and can cause fires and not recommended to use them)
- Paper towels
- Plastic sheeting, tarps
- Rope
- Duct Tape
- Garbage bags
- Aluminum foil
- Mosquito repellent
- Grill
- Charcoal
- Lighter
- Propane gas for gas grills
- cast iron skillets
- old fashioned camping coffee pot
- Lighter fluid
- Sterno for warming dishes
- Cash
- Manual can opener
- Large sealable bags to store important documents
- At least ONE fully-charged cellular phone and an extra charge battery
- Strike anywhere matches (they will work even if they get wet)
- Resealable sandwich bags
- Hand sanitizer
- Dish soap
- Paper plates and cups
- Plastic utensils
- Pet leash, collar, food bowls and carrier
- Store jewelry in ziplock bags and keep all valuables together
- Video Tape every room including closets
- radio with batteries
- Fill containers with water and freeze them to keep whatever is in the freezer frozen longer
- If you have a generator check the spark plugs and oil get it ready
- cut all trees and things that can fall on the house down
- brace the garage doors and plywood your windows
- If you need to leave and evacuate:
- Place everything in ziplock bags for insurance, passwords should be written in a book, all important documents should be in one place in a plastic-covered container
- pack a suitcase in case you need changes of clothes
- cover furniture if you leave your home
- lower the water temperature in the water heater if you leave
- unplug everything in the house before you leave except the refrigerator bring perishables with you (including outdoor equipment like hot tubs and pool pumps)
- Water – 1-gallon per person
- For a family of 4 for 5 days, you need 20 gallons.
- Fill the bathtub for basic washing needs
- dishwashing, but do not drink this water.
- First Aid Kit – Band-Aids, bandages,
- antibiotic ointment,
- homemade disinfectant (6 drops of bleach for every 1 gallon of water)
- , hand sanitizer,
- any necessary medications, hygiene products, and baby products
- Flashlight – 1 flashlight per family
- member and the correct size of extra
- batteries.
- Tool Kit – A basic set of tools: hammer,
- nails, screws, screwdriver, pliers, and knife.
- Sanitation Products – Toilet paper,
- moist towelettes, and plastic garbage bags in
- gallons of bleach on hand
- don't forget if you have a pool drain around 4 to 5 inches it will fill up
- add sandbags around the house to keep water from seeping in
- if you have a septic tank get it cleaned before the storm
- boil water for at least 3 to 4 days after the storm passes and listen for alerts
- Put all things that can melt in plastic bags or containers in your freezer if you lose power it will prevent a huge mess!
- make sure you have a list of all local phone numbers ready for local services
- Food items to keep on hand:
- Dry cereal
- Canned goods: fruit, vegetables, juice, meats,
- canned bean salad
- spam, deviled ham, tuna snack packs, jerky, bacon cooked prepackaged
- soups, meats, pasta, beans
- snack pack pudding and fruits
- Nuts
- Peanut butter, nutella, apple butter, jams
- Bread
- Crackers
- Granola and energy bars
- Un-refrigerated fruit: bananas, apples, oranges
- Pet food
- Baby food and bottles
- ( if you have a gas grill things can be made on the grill)
- Rice and pasta
- Pasta sauce
- Seasoning salt, pepper, hot sauce
- grated cheese
- instant cereals
- donuts
- breakfast drinks
- pancake mix that needs just water also bottled syrup
- Drinks, canned milk, juices, water, adult beverages, powdered milk, instant coffee dry coffee creamer
- Tuna NO MAYO:
- 1 loaf of sliced bread
- 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tablespoon stone-ground mustard
- 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
- 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
- 1/8 teaspoon celery seed
- 2 cans (5 oz each) tuna packed in olive oil, well-drained
- salt and pepper is optional
- Optional: 1/4 cup diced chives 1-1/2 cups cucumber 1 medium ripe avocado, diced
- Mix all ingredients in a bowl, and spread on sandwiches.