Low Carb Chocolate Chip Cookies

Tuesday, August 22, 2017
This Low-Carb Chocolate Chip Cookies diabetic-friendly chocolate chip cookie recipe is so easy to make plus the taste for cookie lovers will make you very happy with the results in flavor.

The cookie has all the same characteristics and you won't miss the sugar-ladened old-fashioned cookies.

These cookies are a great alternative for a sugar-free diet that absolutely doesn't want to live without this classic favorite style of Chocolate Chip Cookie, we got you covered here.

I happen to have three diabetics in my household over the years, and this is the favorite of all the cookies I have made I will tell you the first time was a disaster not knowing the right measurements.

After a few times of different sugar-free ingredients, I finally got them right.

The cookies have all different ingredients than the Classic Classic Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipes using sugar-free and some Keto products instead of regular.

My findings on the differences are sugar-free will become dry if overbaked and crumbly, and do not over-mix, it takes a bit of time to get them right.

Every stove is different when baking so I always try one on a pie plate before doing the whole batch to ensure it seems right.

The cookies are really delicious just like our Keto Peanut Butter Cookie with 3 Ingredients recipe (also sugar-free), and the same goes for them don't overmix and don't overbake, those are my two tips!

I also just drop them on a sheet and do not try and mold them so they are a little thicker, for a crispier cookie press them down a bit.

low carb chocolate chips

low carb chocolate chip cookies

Step By Step Easy Low-Carb Chocolate Chip Cookie

  1. mix the flour and baking soda together in a bowl
  2. in another bowl cream sugars with butter
  3. blend both the bowl gently until just formed
  4. stir in the eggs and vanilla do not overmix
  5. fold in the chips
  6. mold, shape, and bake

low carb chocolate chip cookie dough


  1. do not overbake the cookies
  2. mold with a cookie scoop, press down
  3. cool completely before removing it from the baking sheet
  4. cookies are very fragile and will crumble easily

low carb cookies

Ingredients for this Recipe for Sugar-Free Cookies

  1. regular sugar substitutes like Stevia 
  2. a sugar substitute for brown sugar see suggestions below the recipe
  3. keto flour
  4. butter
  5. egg
  6. vanilla
  7. sugar-free chocolate chips
  8. baking soda

ingredients for low carb chocolate chip cookies

Choosing Ingredients for Low-Carb Cookies

  1. Use only a powdered sweetener in this recipe the cookies will get firmer.
  2. You can use any granulated sweetener like xylitol, granulated stevia, or erythritol that is a 1:1 replacement for sugar then, put it into a food processor so it will become a powdered consistency.
  3. I don’t recommend using liquid stevia it may become too dry or make them too fragile.

low carb cookie batter


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Life Changes with Diabetes

As skeptical as I was at first, after one bite, I was very surprised at how yummy these sugar-free cookies are, they taste great and will satisfy your cookie craving.

Everything in moderation is my motto, we have to adapt to many changes and there are ups and downs in life but this is a good cookie alternative in taste when things aren't exactly how we envisioned what are future holds.

I hope you enjoy them as much as we do, a healthy recipe alternative that you won't have to give up when you love Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Just remember just because it's low in sugar, natural sugar is in fruit so it's never 100% sugar-free and everything needs to be in moderation if you're diabetic, check with your doctor for more information or with a nutritionist.

Low Carb Chocolate Chip Cookies

Low Carb Chocolate Chip Cookies 

Yield: 15
Author: Claudia Lamascolo
Prep time: 10 MinCook time: 10 MinTotal time: 20 Min
This is a diabetic-friendly sugar-free chocolate chip cookie, easy to make and simple to find ingredients.


  • 2 1/4 cups keto flour, regular AP flour, or gluten-free flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 17 tablespoons of soft butter
  • 1 cup of sugar-free substitute for sugar
  • 1/2 cup sugar-free brown sugar substitute
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup sugar-free chocolate chips


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and line a baking cookie sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Add the flour to a large bowl and stir in the baking soda.
  3. In another clean bowl, add the butter and sugar-free sugars in it and cream together until it blends together evenly.
  4. Mix both bowls together to evenly combine then just stir in the egg and vanilla.
  5. Fold in the chips do not over-mix this batter.
  6. Bake for 10 (or up to 12) minutes on the prepared baking sheet.
  7. Cool and remove from the baking sheet.
diabetic-friendly chocolate chip cookies, sugar-free chocolate chips cookies, keto chocolate chip cookies, gluten-free cookies


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Healthy Recipes

I have some other recipes to try that are low-carb and sugar-free. My no-bake cheesecake recipe is a delicious and low-carb zucchini cupcake quiche. My low-carb stuffed peppers are amazing also!