Italian Stuffed Artichokes

Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Stuffed Artichokes were always a favorite at any holiday meal.

Mom always made these for Thanksgiving or Easter if they looked good in the supermarket.

If the artichokes weren't very fresh she would skip the fresh ones and use canned and make Baked Artichokes.

Since artichokes are one of my favorite side dishes I also enjoy them all summer long with my Artichoke Stuffed on the Grill recipe.

If you haven't tried making stuffed artichokes they really are addicting and everyone loves eating this flower trying to get to the tastiest part, the heart inside.

The heart is soft and after removing the top part of the leaves, delicious delicate soft vegetables bursting with garlic and laced with breadcrumbs.

Scroll down for the recipe and see the easy instructions on how to clean, eat, cook, and buy perfect artichokes.

these are Italian stuffed artichokes ready to cook stuffed with bread crumbs cheese and spices

These Artichokes are so Tender

The leaves come out so tender slow cooking them.

I have made these overnight in a slow cooker or instant pot works great also.

A slow stovetop simmer is the best result for at least 2 to 3 hours to make them tender and the stuffing is so delicious.

this is a recipe for breadcrumbs garlic stuffed artichokes in a collage step by step

Ingredients You Will Need

  • whole artichokes
  • Italian flavored bread crumbs
  • fresh garlic, cleaned and whole
  • romano and parmesan cheese
  • garlic powder
  • fresh parsley
  • dried oregano
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • chicken broth or water
  • optional cayenne pepper

These are stuffed Italian artichokes with bread crumb and spices in a pan ready to slow simmer under tender


  • Use both fresh and granulated garlic powder
  • Chicken broth is tastier than the water use either one
  • Add plenty of grated cheese to your breadcrumb stuffing
  • Remove all the inside prickly spikes inside the artichoke
  • Simmer until the leaves begin to fall off 2 to 3 hours on low
  • Continue adding water or broth if it boils away
  • Add 3 whole cloves of fresh garlic to the broth or water then add some salt, pepper, and even cayenne pepper if you like spicy artichokes

this is a stuffed artichokes in a saucepan cooking in chicken broth

Buying Fresh Artichokes

Select an artichoke that feels heavy and solid.

The lighter ones are older.

this is a whole fresh artichoke before cleaning it


If the leaves are thick, tightly closed, and vibrant deep green color those are the ones to buy.

The leaves should squeak when you rub them together. Avoid artichokes that have opened, dry or split leave

These are homemade stuffed artichokes with Italian bread crumbs, cheese and garlic. They are cleaned boiled and stuffed

How To Eat An Artichoke

Start by pulling off one of the outermost petals. If your artichoke is cooked correctly, the outer petals of your artichoke should be easy to remove.

The edible part is located at the base of the petal.

Pull the base of the petal through slightly clenched teeth to strip off the petal meat.

Pull off and eat the individual petals from the cooked artichoke, marking your way down to the heart of the artichoke.

When you get to the heart of the artichoke, you will notice the fuzzy hair layer referred to as the "choke".

This part of the artichoke is not edible.

Remove the choke by using a spoon to scoop it out.

these are cleaned snipped artichokes getting washed in the sink

How To Clean Them

Wash them in hot water and spray them clean in a colander.

First, cut off the top of the artichoke with a large serrated knife.

I then cut about 1/3 of the head of the artichoke.

Next, cut the stem using the same knife. I generally leave about 2 inches of stem on my chokes.

The rest of the stem is still edible if you use a sharp knife and cut away the fibrous outer covering.

Take a paring knife and peel the outer fibrous portion of the stem all around starting at the bottom.

As you reach the head of the choke, pull the knife up into the lower leaves and pull them off.

Begin at the bottom of the choke, start to pull off the darker, rough leaves with your fingers working your way around the choke, and continue to do so until you only have light green leaves showing.

Take your paring knife and clean up the messy edge of the choke where you pulled off the leaves.

Then pull apart the leaves to expose the sharp, spiky internal choke and pull out all the spiky leaves, (you can use gloves for this step), and then scoop out those center leaves with a spoon.

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Stuffed Artichokes Pin for later

this is a pin for later on how to make stuffed Italian Artichokes

A Great Side Dish At Easter Time

These artichokes are served as an appetizer or for a side dish.

Most of the time we made them for our Italian Easter Dinner or on Thanksgiving.

They aren't easy to find all year long, that's why we made them during holiday seasons.

artichokes, stuffed artichokes, Italian stuffed artichokes, Italian food
vegetables, artichokes, Italian stuffed artichokes
Yield: 4

These are homemade stuffed artichokes with Italian bread crumbs, cheese and garlic. They are cleaned boiled and stuffed

Italian Stuffed Artichokes

These are Italian stuffed artichokes. The filling is a delicious bread crumb filling with grated cheese and garlic.
prep time: 15 Mcook time: 2 hourtotal time: 2 H & 15 M


  • 6 whole artichokes
  • 1 cup Italian flavored bread crumbs
  • 3 clove fresh garlic, cleaned and whole
  • 1/4 cup parmesan cheese 
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
  • 1/4 cup Romano grated cheese
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • chicken broth or water


How to cook Italian Stuffed Artichokes

  1. Snip the pointed prickly tips of artichoke leaves, and cut off the stems. 
  2. Wash and drain. Holding artichoke firmly by the base, firmly rap the top of it on a hard surface; this will open it so it can be stuffed. 
  3. Pick out all the middle prickly leaves and hollow out the middle of the choke. Most of the stuffing will go in the middle.
  4. In a medium bowl combine bread crumbs, 1 clove of fresh garlic minced, garlic powder, parsley, cheeses, oregano, oil salt, and pepper; mix well add some olive oil to make it hold together, a few tablespoons.
  5. Press about 1/2 cup of stuffing into each artichoke. 
  6. Tightly pack stuffed artichokes together in a large heavy saucepan or Dutch oven. 
  7. Add enough chicken broth or water to reach halfway up artichokes, making sure they are upright in the pan, and then drizzle around 3 tablespoons of additional oil and remaining garlic cloves in the water. Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Bring to a boil over high heat; reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for at least 2 hours or until leaves pull out easily, slow cooking for at least 2 hours. These can also be done in the slow cooker on high using around 2 cups chicken broth for 6 to 8 hours.
Fat (grams)
Sat. Fat (grams)
Carbs (grams)
Sodium (milligrams)
Created using The Recipes Generator

Stuffed Artichokes Pin for later

this is a pin step by step on how to make stuffed artichokes recipe

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these are Italian stuffed artichokes ready to cook stuffed with bread crumbs cheese and spices

Disclosure: This recipe was originally shared in 2009. It was edited and re-published in 2020.